Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

When people ask about what I miss about North Dakota, it is a very easy question to answer. Because what I really miss is the people I know and love there. I just want everyone to know I miss you but am glad to be here. God is really working in me and changing me for good.

This week our speaker was Lisa Ryan. Due to the fact we have a thanksgiving break, she only spoke two days and will speak this Monday as well. Lisa spoke on the Nature and Character of God. She is an amazing speaker! :)

She had us start with a non-based opinion and had us come up with things that if there is a creator, the creator would have to be. We had two lists, Nature and Character. So we came up with those things, and had to have a good argument for why the creator would have to be those things before we could put them on the board. Some things we came up with were: One, Superior, All-Knowing, Relational, Loving, Personal….. We put a good many words on the list but not all that we could because that would go on for a long time. Then we researched the top 13 religions. To find out what they believe about God. As went through them, one by one we saw that their view of God was wrong or lacking. The Two closest religions were Islam and Judaism.  They had all the Nature of God right. But they were lacking on the Character of God. The one religion whose view of God that was spot on, was Christianity. Both the Nature and the Character of God were what we deducted that God had to be.

Lisa did a great job speaking and I am excited to hear her speak this Monday. :)

It was thanksgiving break, so I was able to see my family. :) We had a blast, ate way too much food, laughed like crazy, and just enjoyed life. It was really good.

I lost my notebook with my last two weeks worth of notes. I was unable to find it, so right now I am praying that God puts it into the hands of the person who really needs it. This might not seem like a big thing to lose, but it felt like I lost part of me.

Prayer requests: Funds (this doesn’t just mean me, but everyone on my team and the Peru team.), Good Relations (on the team, and with everyone we meet), Authority (that all of us would know, believe, and use in our authority in God), Heath, and Safe Travels.


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